Commemorative Banknote 50th Anniversary of HM. King Rama 9's Accession to the Throne front Commemorative Banknote 50th Anniversary of HM. King Rama 9's Accession to the Throne back

Appraisal price

The price was updated on 30th October 2017.

Banknote info

On the auspicious occasion of 50th anniversary celebration of HM. King Rama 9's accession to the throne in Dec 1996, Bank of Thailans issued the commemorative banknotes.

The banknotes were issued on 6th Jun 1996. The banknote price was 500 baht.

Amount of printing

About 100 million notes, the code and serial number started from 9A 0000001 - 9999999


The banknotes are similar to 500 baht banknote 14th series. The differences lie in that the privy seal is substituted by the special royal crest in commemoration of the golden jubilee celebration of His Majesty's accession to the throne.